Source code for lib.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position, assignment-from-no-return

"""Pychemqt, Chemical Engineering Process simulator
Copyright (C) 2009-2023, Juan José Gómez Romera <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Module with global configuration of pychemqt


  * :const:`conf_dir`: User configuration path
  * :const:`Preferences`: ConfigParser instance with pychemqt preferences
  * :const:`currentConfig`: ConfigParser instance with the configuration of
    current pychemqt project open or the last open project

Configuration tools

  * :func:`getComponents`: Get component list from project
  * :func:`getMainWindowConfig`: Return config of current project
  * :func:`setMainWindowConfig`: Update currentconfig variable
  * :class:`Entity`: General class for model object

from configparser import ConfigParser
import os

from tools.qt import QtWidgets

# TODO: Delete when it isn´t necessary debug
# os.environ["pychemqt"] = "/home/jjgomera/Programacion/pychemqt/"
# os.environ["freesteam"] = "False"
# os.environ["openbabel"] = "True"
# os.environ["CoolProp"] = "True"
# os.environ["refprop"] = "False"
# os.environ["ezodf"] = "True"
# os.environ["openpyxl"] = "True"
# os.environ["xlwt"] = "True"
# os.environ["icu"] = "True"
# os.environ["reportlab"] = "True"
# os.environ["Qsci"] = "False"

from lib.sql import databank

conf_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') + os.sep + ".pychemqt" + os.sep
IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ["pychemqt"], "images") + os.sep

Preferences = ConfigParser() + "pychemqtrc")
# FIXME: This instance is not updated when preferences are changed

global currentConfig
currentConfig = ConfigParser() + "pychemqtrc_temporal")

[docs] def getComponents(solidos=False, config=None, name=True): """ Procedure to get index of component in current project Parameters ---------- solidos : bool Return too solids components config : ConfigParser It's possible use a custom config instance name : bool Return too the name and molecular weight of components Returns ------- id : list List of index of components name : list List of name of components M : list List of molecular weight of components """ if not config: config = getMainWindowConfig() if solidos: indices = config.get("Components", "Solids") if not isinstance(indices, list): indices = eval(indices) else: indices = config.get("Components", "Components") if not isinstance(indices, list): indices = eval(indices) if name: nombres = [] M = [] for id in indices: query = "select name, M from compuestos where id == %s" % str(id) databank.execute(query) texto = databank.fetchone() nombres.append(texto[0]) M.append(texto[1]) return indices, nombres, M else: return indices
[docs] def getMainWindowConfig(): """Return config of current project""" return currentConfig
[docs] def setMainWindowConfig(config=None): """Set config as current project""" global currentConfig if config: currentConfig = config return else: widget = QtWidgets.QApplication.activeWindow() if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QMainWindow) and \ widget.__class__.__name__ == "UI_pychemqt": currentConfig = widget.currentConfig else: lista = QtWidgets.QApplication.topLevelWidgets() for widget in lista: if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QMainWindow) and \ widget.__class__.__name__ == "UI_pychemqt": currentConfig = widget.currentConfig break
[docs] class Entity(object): """General class for model object, with basic functionality: * clear object * definition of boolean characteristic of object * input used for definition * note properties with description * save/load from file * properties for report, tooltip Child class include: * Corriente, Mezcla, Solids * equipment """ _bool = False kwargs_forbidden = ["entrada"] notas = "" notasPlain = "" _dependence = ""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Class constructor, copy kwargs for child class, it can be customize for child class to add functionality""" self.kwargs = self.__class__.kwargs.copy() # Values defined as integer Entrada_con_unidades return as float # and it must be corrected self.kwargsInteger = [] for key, value in self.kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, int): self.kwargsInteger.append(key) if kwargs: self.__call__(**kwargs)
def __call__(self, **kwargs): """Add callable functionality, so it can be possible add kwargs, advanced functionality can be added in subclass""" self._oldkwargs = self.kwargs.copy() self.cleanOldValues(**kwargs) self._bool = True txt = kwargs.get("notas", "") if txt: self.notas = txt self.notasPlain = txt for key in self.kwargsInteger: if key not in self.kwargs_forbidden: self.kwargs[key] = int(self.kwargs[key])
[docs] def cleanOldValues(self, **kwargs): """Update kwargs with new input kwargs, defined in child class, here can be implemented kwarg incompatibiity input and more""" self.kwargs.update(kwargs)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear entity and stay as new instance""" self.kwargs = self.__class__.kwargs self.__dict__.clear() self._bool = False
def __bool__(self): return self._bool
[docs] def show(self): """General function to show entity properties as key: value text""" for key in sorted(self.__dict__): print(key, ": ", self.__dict__[key])
[docs] def setNotas(self, html, txt): self.notas = html self.notasPlain = txt if html: self._bool = True
@property def numInputs(self): """Input count in kwargs""" count = 0 for key, value in self.kwargs.items(): if key not in self.kwargs_forbidden and value: count += 1 return count # Read-Write to file
[docs] def writeToJSON(self, data): """Save kwargs properties of entity to file""" kwarg = {} for key, value in self.kwargs.items(): if key not in self.kwargs_forbidden and value: if isinstance(value, list): self.writeListtoJSON(kwarg, key, value) else: kwarg[key] = value data["kwarg"] = kwarg # Write state data["status"] = self.status data["msg"] = self.msg data["bool"] = self._bool data["external_dependences"] = self._dependence data["notas"] = self.notas data["notasPlain"] = self.notasPlain if self.status: state = {} self.writeStatetoJSON(state) data["state"] = state else: data["state"] = {}
[docs] def writeListtoJSON(self, data, key, value): """Write list to file, Customize in entities with complex list""" data[key] = value
[docs] def readFromJSON(self, data): """Read entity from file""" for key, value in data["kwarg"].items(): if isinstance(self.kwargs[key], list): value = self.readListFromJSON(data["kwarg"], key) self.kwargs[key] = value # Read state self.status = data["status"] self.msg = data["msg"] self._bool = data["bool"] try: self._dependence = data["external_dependences"] except KeyError: self._dependence = "" self.notas = data["notas"] self.notasPlain = data["notasPlain"] if self.status: self.readStatefromJSON(data["state"])
# if run: # self.__call__() # print(self)
[docs] def readListFromJSON(self, data, key): """Read list from file, customize in entities with complex list""" return data[key]
[docs] def writeStatetoJSON(self, data): pass
[docs] def readStatefromJSON(self, data): pass
# Properties
[docs] @classmethod def propertiesNames(cls): """List with properties availables for show in poput""" return []
[docs] def properties(self): lista = [] for name, attr, unit in self.propertiesNames(): prop = self._prop(attr) if isinstance(prop, list): if unit == str: lista.append((prop, name)) elif unit is None: lista.append((["" for f in prop], name)) else: lista.append(([f.str for f in prop], name)) elif unit == str: lista.append((prop, name, 0)) elif unit == int or unit == float: lista.append((str(prop), name, 1)) else: lista.append((prop.str, name, 1)) return lista
[docs] def _prop(self, attr): if attr == "className": prop = self.__class__.__name__ elif attr == "notasPlain": prop = self.notasPlain elif type(attr) == tuple: prop = self.__getattribute__(attr[0])[self.kwargs[attr[1]]] elif attr in self.__dict__: prop = self.__getattribute__(attr) elif attr in self.kwargs: prop = self.kwargs[attr] return prop
[docs] def propertiesListTitle(self, index): """Define titles for list properties in popup"""
[docs] def propertiesTitle(self): return [prop[0] for prop in self.propertiesNames()]
[docs] def propertiesAttribute(self): return [prop[1] for prop in self.propertiesNames()]
[docs] def propertiesUnit(self): return [prop[2] for prop in self.propertiesNames()]
[docs] def popup(self, preferences, exception=[]): """ Return a list with properties of entity to show in a puput preferences: ConfigParser instance with selected properties to show""" txt = [] propiedades = for i in map(int, preferences.get( "TooltipEntity", self.__class__.__name__).split(",")): if isinstance(propiedades[i][0], list): txt.append((propiedades[i][1], "", 0)) title = self.propertiesListTitle(i) for name, value in zip(title, propiedades[i][0]): txt.append(("%s\t%s" % (name, value), "", 1)) else: txt.append(propiedades[i]) return txt
[docs] def propertiesToText(self, index=None, linesep=True, suffix="", kwCheck=False, kwKey="", kwSuffix="", kwValue=""): """ Return a string representation of properties for report index: Index of properties in propertiesList None: Return all properties array: Return the selected properties int: Return only the indexed property linesep: Boolean to add a linesep at end line suffix: Optional suffix text """ mask = "%s-%is%ss" % ("%", self.TEXT_FORMATING_LENG, "%") if index is None: index = range(len(self.propertiesNames())) if isinstance(index, int): index = [index] txt = "" for i in index: title, prop, unit = self.propertiesNames()[i] if not kwKey: kwKey = prop value = self._prop(prop) if unit != str and unit != float and unit != int: value = value.str elif unit == str: value = " " + value elif unit == float or unit == int: value = " %s" % value.__repr__() txt += mask % (title, value) if kwCheck: if self.kwargs[kwKey] == kwValue: txt += kwSuffix if suffix: txt += suffix if linesep: txt += os.linesep return txt